Sunday, September 20, 2009

levél a polgármesternek / letter to the mayor

mult heten az ember aki segit be inditani a bolcsodek uzente nekem hogy jo lenne irni egy "bemutatkozo" levelet a plogarmester urnak hogy kik vagyunk es mit akarunk csinalni. szoval mult heten irtam es el kuldtem a levelet a polgarmester urnak, most (mint mindig) ezt az egeszet a Ur kezeben van. imadkozzunk hogy kegyelmet talalunk a polgarmester ur szemeben es hogy a varos adni fog nekunk helysegeket ahol tudunk kezdeni ezeket a szolgalatokat.

last week our contact person who is helping us to start the pre-schools told me that we need to write a letter to the mayor to introduce ourselves and tell him what we want to do. so last week, I wrote and sent a letter to the mayor and now (as always) this whole thing is in the hands of the Lord. please pray that we find favor in the eyes of the mayor and that the city helps us by giving us places to start these ministries.

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